CLIENT: Condé Nast

How would you design a one of a kind mobile app for Vogue?


We designed app moments that are worth a reopen and imbued Vogue into it’s hallmark iOS app.

In collaboration with Vogue NYC, we created the award-winning and memorable Vogue app. The app offered Vogue subscribers an opportunity to access a lifetime of content through a seamless user experience.

Unforgettable moments

The content alone is pretty unforgettable. But the experience does not end there. The interface is nearly invisible, the 3d interactions are responsive and rich moving through foreground and background.

As you enter the app, you are greeted by Anna Wintour (CEO) who introduces the app and offers a unique and warm welcome for Vogue users. A clear strategy, taxonomy, motion, and innovative gestural interactions came together for an award-winning app experience.

To get here required months of collaboration across various functions - with each quick iteration enhancing the overall experience. We parsed down what we thought felt cumbersome. At the same time, we did not shy away from moments that delight users.

A minimal and gesture-driven user interface

Every UI element in the Vogue hallmark app had been elegantly subdued. Elements collapsing when not needed, offering subtle nudges, and driven by gestural commands. It’s safe to say that up until this point, I’d never worked so hard to make sure to leave no trace that designers were ever here.

An extraordinary approach. Yes. But not without its constraints. Borrowing heavily from wizards and game expose, we designed a progressive disclosure approach that teaches Vogue readers our commands just in time. Maybe less is actually more.


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