How would you earn customer trust with furniture buying?

We made it simple to buy the right furniture online.

What started as a quick project for a design prototype sprint on Joybird product customization grew into a complete customer experience redesign. Over the course of the next year, we shipped the company’s next generation retail experience.


Process is just as important as the end result

Work started from a bird’s eye view (no pun intended). I worked directly with the executive team to exact a strategy for the work — we clearly defined the purpose and promise for the work. After some reflection, we championed solutions with a measurable impact to both customer joy and business outcomes as the guiding light for our work.

During the explorations and workshops, most every person I talked to had uniquely valuable insights. Leading the initiative, I focused on enabling a collaborative environment, took good ideas through a rigorous evaluation process, got smart folks working towards future growth, and used customer empathy to guide the way. We sidelined the monotony and prototyped tons of potential solutions.

The customization process

The research, project management, and strategic work came together to support a path for Joybird’s shopping experience. Let’s take a quick look at one of the core customer interactions, product customization…

Customizing furniture is where most customers spend their time with Joybird. It directly impacts business objectives and customer satisfaction. To get it right for customers, we focused our efforts on three things:

  1. Easy and clear customization process

  2. Objective-led design outcomes

  3. Dynamic and scalable interactions

Customer Experiences
& Devices

Getting the mobile customer experience right is a big deal. To imbue a brand-rich experience for mobile web, we worked closely across disciplines to find solutions that push the app forward. Out of the box interactions fell short. So we designed and developed crisp, premium interactions for a unique shopping experience.

In addition to the unique mobile interactions, we shipped an entirely separate MVP product introducing Joybird’s first AR integrated app. Working directly with the engineering team, we made it easier than ever for Joybird customers to see their custom pieces in their space.



MetroMile | App


Starbucks | Kiosk